May 022014 0 Responses

Traditional tuna fishing the Almadraba way

Today our plans were changed abruptly when the cooking class we were going to participate in was called off.  However not to miss out on a “foodie day” we drove down to the coast at Barbate where the tuna fishing season has just started.  Tuna is always so hard to get in NZ and really fresh tuna, more so.  The opportunity to try tuna fresh off the boat and caught in the Almadraba way was not to be missed.The Almadraba method of catching tuna dates back to the Phoenicians where all along the coast from the Atlantic to the Med. Small boats would go out and catch tuna during April and May when the tuna came close to shore.  They use a small net system between a few boats to catch the tuna in this sustainable way with Barbate being one of the few towns that still practice this fishing art.

In Roman times Barbate thrived due to its fishing and salt production.  Today it’s beaches thrive as well with an enormous stretch of fine sand and at present, extremely cool water.  Especially for this kiwi girl!

The picture above was taken by the loving husband as I made him stop for the poppies.  Aren’t they a sight!  Hidden amongst them, yet to flower is a mass of Nigella (Love in the Mist).  Just imagine…  when the poppies are over this scene will be coloured wonderful shades of blue instead!  In the distance the town of Vejer de la Fronterra perched unassailable on the hill.

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