
Apr 232017 Tagged with , , , , , 0 Responses

The Algarve’s Coastal Plants

We’ve enjoyed several days poking around the Algarvian coastline scrutinising the plants that have naturalised in this harsh environment with a view to repeating these plants in our home coastal plantings – Waimarama, Ocean Beach, Napier in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

These plants are growing in what appears to be pure sand, they’re obviously not irrigated and cope with the harsh coastal salt winds and the very hot summer temperatures that occur here.  Albeit the more wind exposure they’re in the shorter and more compact they grow – but they are very healthy.

These plants would obviously be great choices for NZ coastal gardens.  Plant in Autumn as soon as the weather has cooled and the Autumn showers/rain has started and they should be able to look after themselves.

Small evergreen shrubs such as Cistus Snowmound, various low growing forms of Rosemary, Lithodora, Helianthemum, Ice Plants, Thyme, Armeria, Spanish Lavender stoechas will all thrive in very light soils – even sand as we saw in the Algarve.  They look great together and require nothing but a light trim every Autumn to keep them tidy and compact.

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